30 DAYS/30 STORIES® 2022
September 27th

My brother is a hero. His name is Jeremiah. He is a two-time cancer survivor. He battled a cancer named Wilms Tumor starting in 2010. One year later, he got sick again. I remember my mom and dad took my brother to St. Christopher’s Hospital in Philadelphia and found out he had cancer again that spread to his lung. I was little and just knew I never got to spend time with him. He was in the hospital a lot which hurt me. I was always crying, wanted him to be home with me and wanted him to not be sick with dumb cancer. It was the worst feeling knowing my twin brother was sick. It was a long drive to get to Philly, and I used to visit him only twice a month. Sometimes Jeremiah got to come home. When he did, he visited Nana and our cousins, and we took him out to dinner. Some fun memories are going to Dorney Park, having a surprise party for him, and taking him on a shopping spree.
I always told him as I got older to never give up and that he was going to beat this. I was right! My brother is now 7 years cancer free. It’s the best feeling to write a story about my brother. He’s brave and is someone I look up to. Jeremiah told me that, along his journey, he met a lot of kind people. He was not the only child battling cancer, which made him feel not alone and strong. He said the worst parts about being sick were taking medication and throwing up all the time. He will never forget meeting a Philadelphia Eagles football player who came to visit him in the hospital one day.
I would like to thank PCFLV for giving us so many adventures, like Dorney Park Day, arts and crafts events at the office, bowling, a trip to see the North Pole, and also for their trips to the hospital and gift cards. I can’t thank you enough PCFLV. Cancer does not have a face until it is yours or someone you know. All I want for my brother is to stay cured for the rest of his life. Never give up hope.
Written by Cyprian, Jeremiah’s twin brother
Please consider helping children with cancer and others in our community by scheduling a blood donation at Miller-Keystone Blood Center: https://donor.giveapint.org/donor/schedules/zip