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30 DAYS/30 STORIES® 2024

September 12th


2021 was a year that has changed the way we look at our everyday lives. Family came from out of state to visit, we celebrated our nephew Andrew's 1st birthday (it was a big deal since he was the last baby in the family to enjoy for a while), and we were making many great memories. Life just seemed so good, what could go wrong?

June of 2021, just weeks after the visit, my sister called to chat and told us Andrew had been sick, and we thought nothing too much of it. He was a normal 1 year old baby. He went to a daycare, was growing (so much that he was given the name “Squishy”), and he was doing all the things babies do. After days of fevers, lack of food, and not wanting any fluids went by, that's when our sister decided she needed more answers. This couldn't be just a cold anymore. We were told they were taking him into the emergency room for IV fluids and possible blood work. We NEVER thought our next phone call would be something so earthshaking.

Andrew “Squishy” Bosco was diagnosed with “AML'' or acute myeloblastic leukemia. We felt devastated for our sister and her husband. Having two kids of our own, we could not fathom what they felt or any parents would feel who may receive that heartbreaking news. Knowing that treatment would be at least a few months, we packed our car immediately and drove to be with them for the summer to do anything they needed us to do and to make the most normal life we could for Andrew's brother at home. It was a huge amount of change but as a family and with the support of others, we made it happen.

The 6 months of treatment at Lehigh Valley Reilly Children’s Hospital for Squishy came with a lot of scary moments, lack of sleep (especially for his amazing parents), and prayers…but we are a very thankful family to say that Squishy has been in remission for 3 years now!!! Many family trips and the making of more great memories have been made since. We have learned that Andrew is very adventurous, wild, and 100% a boy that loves anything smelly, messy, and noisy. It brings tears of joy to our eyes when we look at him today and realize what he went through. As a family, we still have our days of fear when Squish may have a simple cough or stuffy nose but through this unexpected journey, Andrew’s parents have met some incredible people with many great stories of hope. We believe Squishy has his own story of hope to continue to write for others…SQUISHY STRONG!!!

Written by Andrew’s Auntie and Uncle, Deanna and Malcom

Please consider helping children with cancer and others in our community by scheduling a blood donation at Miller-Keystone Blood Center:

If you would like to donate in Andrew's honor

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